Meet the Brewer: Aaron Brown Brewer @ Fetching Lab Brewery

Favorite Texas brewed beer? OG Black Metal Imperial Stout from Jester King. If I can’t have that, I will go with some Electric Jellyfish IPA from Pinthouse Pizza!
Favorite non-Texas brewed beer? Bell’s Brewery – Two Hearted IPA. I am beyond stoked about the IIPA coming out!
Your favorite beer to brew? Round Up Amber. The smells during the mash and tasting the wort… it’s magical.
Describe your favorite setting or event which you have enjoyed a beer? I was drinking a Hercules by Great Divide while the Astros were facing the Dodgers in game 7 of the World Series. When we closed the game out, I threw an entire can all our apartment living room. That will be a night that I will never forget.
The last and/or most interesting job you held before becoming a professional brewer. The most interesting job I have held before being a brewer was working at the Cinemark in Webster. That was my first experience with dealing with the general public. It got awkward/interesting several times an hour.
Words of advice to anyone hoping to turn their passion of brewing and beer into a career. Prepare to clean… A LOT.
The state of the Texas craft beer scene is awesome! The fact that we have been recognized as being a craft beer state along with places like Oregon, Colorado and California is amazing. Let’s keep growing!
Favorite perk of working in a brewery is? The obvious answer is drinking beer. Drinking the beer that you’ve made is amazing, BUT, seeing other folks in the market enjoying your beer is even better!
Least favorite aspect of working in a brewery is? KEG CLEANING. You can clean kegs all day and feel like you have done absolutely nothing. There will always be mountains of kegs to clean.
Anything new happening with the brewery? We have a new taproom in Texas City! We are open from Thursday to Sunday. We have live music on Friday and Saturday as well as a food trucks! Best thing about this is that we are featuring all of the fun beers from our R&D program on top of all of our main stays! Come check us out! We are at 221 6th Street!
If you had to start working in one other brewery starting tomorrow which brewery would it be and why? This is a hard question to answer. If I had to pick one, it would definitely be 3 Floyds Brewing. They produce some AMAZING beer and I would love to work with their head brewer!