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The SCENE Magazine

THE MURAL GIRL: Bree Wristers-Longo

Sep 08, 2014 11:26AM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF
Bree Wristers-Longo also known as The Mural Girl certainly lives up to her nickname. She thrives to provide art in daily life. The local artist can’t think of a better way than adorning everyday places with murals. Bree stated, “I strive to keep art alive in your daily busy life. A reason to stop for a moment and enjoy a piece created by hand.” Bree paints exquisite murals and mastered faux finishes as well. Each stroke illustrates her talent and attention to detail. Bree’s engaging murals and finishes draw the audience to stop and admire; working just as she planned.

Bree began painting when she was a young child. Her mom would let her paint walls in her bedroom each time they moved. “I loved painting murals on my walls,” said Bree. She mentioned she took art classes all the way through college. She said, “Every chance I got, I took an art class.” After college, Bree then taught English in Spain for four years. She shared, “The experience was amazing.”

Upon returning to the States, Bree continued teaching. She taught Spanish and art for several years while painting murals and other commissions on the side. The past three years, Bree has been painting murals and creating commissioned pieces full time and is very successful. With much enthusiasm she said, “I love it.” Bree added, I love the broad spectrum of who I paint for. I adore painting for kids. They are so excited to get to be a part of the process and to see it finished.”

For commercial work, Bree said she gets to see the inner workings of many businesses; sometimes even from the construction phase. She told, “It’s a constant learning process.” According to Bree, painting is also partial therapy. “I actually feel I get to relax when I go to work. When most people get stressed when they go to work. I get to paint,” she said.

Bree’s murals enhance businesses and residences across the Bay Area and many regions throughout Houston. Some of her local murals and signage embellish Kemah’s Bakkhus and Skallywag – which she admitted were some of her favorites because she said she was given free rein to paint was and told, “Do what you know how to do.” Another of Bree’s favorite commissions was a baroque ceiling. She explained, “I got to use a scaffold and act like Michael Angelo. It was harder and more challenging. It changes your perspective.”

Bree said she can “paint anything and everything.” She isn’t afraid to try painting unfamiliar subjects. She revealed that she researches “what a subject or piece is all about, so I have a better understanding and grasp of what my client wants. I pull from books, the internet, and photos.” She added, “It’s a chance to gain lots of knowledge.” Bree works together with clients “to ensure the end result is the best.” She said when first talking to clients she learns their personalities to gain style ideas. Bree often chalks the outline of a mural to show the size and scope of the project prior to painting.

She tells her clients, “Paint is wonderful. You can change it if you don’t like it. It can be painted over.” Though Bree admitted, “Painting is simply reworking what you’ve already done. You can cover it up, but it’s still there. This isn’t always the case in life.” Hence, Bree declared her motto; “Life is drawing without an eraser.” For commissions, contact Bree The Mural Girl at 409-599-3975 or visit

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