Chef C J (Carl Johnson), Tookie's
Apr 01, 2013 08:55PM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF
Experience: The chef (who probably has the biggest smile this side of the Kemah Bridge) started cooking at a country club at the tender age of 15 years old with a great chef mentor. He went on to learn from more great chefs as he gained experience.
What is it about cooking that you love? Chef CJ says it’s the thrill of the business and making people happy with the food I prepare.
Signature dish: Lobster Bisque
Have you cooked for anyone famous? Why yes! Yes, he has… When Chef CJ was 18 years old, he prepared a turkey sandwich “with butter and no mayo” for Ozzy Osborne at a hotel in Austin. He cooked for President Clinton when he was with Landry’s. Plus he participated in the Food Network Best of Show at the Rice Hotel while with Sambuca restaurant.
Please share a special cooking tip or technique to share with our readers. Chef CJ says to use fresh ingredients, don’t over salt, and cook with love. The Bean Burger and the house chili... “The bean burger is our Texas favorite,” said Chef CJ. “And our house-made beer chili is NEW. Come check them out!”
Chef C J (Carl Johnson) Tookie’s: 1202 Bayport Blvd. (Hwy. 146) in Seabrook
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