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Featured Bartender: Jessica & Sherri From Casper's Billiards

Feb 02, 2012 08:37PM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF

Jessica & Sherri From Casper's Billiards 21st & E. Bayshore Dr. (San Leon) 281-559-1400

I say Valentine’s Day…
Jessica (pictured at left) says “love;” Sherri says “romance.” (You got it! Both are taken.)

Recommended Valentine’s Day drink?
 Sherri has created a “Cupid’s Chocolate Covered Cherry” shot, and Jessica makes a “Be Mine Raspberry Sweet Tart” drink.

The best Valentine’s Day present is…
 Jessica wants an engagement ring. (She went there!) And Sherri says jewelry is always a great gift to get.

What’s a bad Valentine’s Day gift to receive? 
A vacuum cleaner! (Sherri has gotten one.)  Jessica mentions “getting nothing!”

Their Valentine’s crush in a parallel universe would be…
 In a single breath, Sherri gushes “Matt Damon” and Jessica opts for Taylor Lautner. (She is a Jacob fan.)

Most romantic movie?
 Jessica declairs it is “Love & Basketball” and for Sherri it’s “27 Dresses.”

I say “candy” and they say…
 Sherri offers “Sweethearts” and Jessica goes old school with “chocolate!”

Experience is a sweet treat!
 Jessica has two years of bartending experience and Sherri has six. Both have worked at Casper’s for two years.

Random facts: Sherri is a mother of three. (Yes! I don’t believe it either!) Jessica attends school to be a plant operator.

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