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Ability To Connect, To Play, And To Rock Is Undeniable: Meet Hounds of Jezebel

Jun 05, 2011 06:48PM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF
Over Memorial Day weekend, Hounds of Jezebel owned the stage at Scout Bar during the Texas Buzz show. Individually, each band member is a “seasoned professional,” and collectively they are quite a musical force. It was like everyone within the venue stopped what they were doing and made their way up to the stage.

Hounds Of Jezebel are relatively new. Officially though, John Curry (vocals, guitar), Chris Loveless (guitar), "Rooster" Rodriguez (bass) and Mike Neyra (drums) met through a mutual friend in the middle of 2010. That long hot summer was productive as the guys wrote and banged out around 20 songs A.K.A. “some music for the soul.” Prior commitments set in and the fledgling musical group was put on hold until January 2011. To say that Hounds of Jezebel is well worth the wait is a bit of an understatement.

Their music is fresh and I tend to use that word sparingly. In fact, as I write this, it has been 24 hours since the show, and the words to completely describe Hounds Of Jezebels’ songs are still a bit elusive. The tunes are definitely familiar with a ’90s rock vibe with undertones of bluesy, Southern rock. But the term “distinctly original” is quite fitting. Onstage, the band is on fire. It was truly a solid show.

Currently, Hounds of Jezebel are working on their debut CD titled “Black Light Sunshine.” Frontman John Curry says that every song the band played at Scout Bar is a good representation of what will be on the CD. He also adds they are in the studio recording 15 songs and approximately 12 will make it to the debut CD. That is 12 tracks of pure strong heavy duty rock and roll. And everything in this making of “Black Light Sunshine” is being done independently. The CD has an anticipated mid-summer release date.

For further information, including booking, visit their website (, or find Hounds Of Jezebel on Facebook or Myspace. Check back often, as these sites are being fine tuned!

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