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Right Now - What You Need To Know About SATURATE

Apr 03, 2011 08:42PM ● By SCENE MAGAZINE STAFF
"We're on a mission here. This band and these songs aren't just an option for us. It's all we have. We'll never quit – period." 
– Saturate

You say the word “Saturate” to area music fans and immediately the responses go like this (and in no particular order):

“OMG…Saturate’s music is freakin’ awesome!”

“Their hair is so cool.” (As if five guys have one head…)

“Saturate is the nicest band EVER!”

Since 2005, the alternative rock/metal band from Baytown has endeared themselves to local, regional and national fans by putting out quality music and being genuine and accessible.

Their debut CD “Soul Element” was released independently in August 2008, and their follow up “The Point Of No Return” (iTunes, was released last year.

In the midst of a very busy performance week, vocalist Jimmy Miller took some time out to speak with The SCENE about the latest events in Saturate’s world.

The band has just wrapped up a video shoot for the song “Keep Digging” and Miller had this to say about it, “The concept is in the lyrics. It's very straightforward about the story being played, although there are layered meanings, the song was meant to paint a picture.  We have talked about mid-April release date, but we don't want to rush anything so the Martinez Bros (Twizted Twinz) will let us know when they're done with post-production, and we’ll go from there.”

According to Saturate’s official Facebook page, it looks like the band has something new and innovative in the works “on the road to our third record.”

Miller elaborates, “We were approved through the team at to begin a fundraiser of sorts where when people donate different amounts they get more and more from us in return. In effect, they're investing in us as a band, but specifically to the creation of our third record...and getting some pretty cool incentives for getting involved. Like pre-releases of our new music, signed albums and/or acoustic guitars, and a lot of other different things we thought people might like to get a hold of.”

(More details coming soon.)

And about that third album, Miller says, “I think everyone that knows our first two records has realized that our sound is all over the map sometimes, so we definitely want to reassure the fans that this new record carries that on in breaking new sonic ground for us as a band. And, compared to what we’ve done before, I think we would all agree that this time, it’s personal. Much more personal to us than anything we’ve done.  It’s also the first time that the full band (all five members) is participating in the creation of every song on the disc, and it’s also looking to be our first under 10 tracks.  The songs we do have us all really excited about the album, and we’ve started to bring them into the live shows.”

Miller says there is nothing official as far as who Saturate may be touring with this summer (at least at press time), but it looks like they will be “hitting the road” in late June.

Last, but not least, Miller thanks everyone who supports Saturate by spreading the music, coming to the shows, and communicating with the band members on their social sites.

The members of Saturate are Miller, Mike Mexas (guitar), Doyle Hingle (drums), Hector Porras (bass), and Jojo Puente (keyboards.) Support the band by becoming a fan on Facebook (SaturateMusic). Their website will direct you to their Reverb Nation page. For booking or more information, you can email the band at [email protected].

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